Look at what Mrs. Kramer's 2nd Graders are up to now!

Class Promise

In our class we have a class promise. We brainstorm this promise together by answering the questions:
*How do you want to be treated by your teacher?
*How do you want others to treat you?
*How do you think you should treat others?
*How do you think your teacher wants you to treat her?
*What will happen when there is conflict or someone isn't following our promise?

We sign the promise and post it in our room. We refer to it often and check how we are doing following our class promise. Students are reminded to follow the promise by the teacher and other students. Students get "checked" if they are not following the promise and/or a teacher can call a "time out." 

Students who are following the promise get recognized by moving their picture onto the rule they are following, picking out of our treasure chest, verbal compliment, or positive note/call home. 
When our class is following the promise, we add a cookie to our "Cookie Compliment" chart. When the cookie pan is full, our class receives a small reward.

Students who are not following the promise have a consequence. The teacher works with the student to find a fitting consequence. This might be an apology note, loss of recess, an act of service or kindness, a phone call home, a natural consequence, or an action plan. 

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