Look at what Mrs. Kramer's 2nd Graders are up to now!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School

We had a great first day of school. In the morning, we sang the song 'We Are Ready for the First Day of School!' We also read a book called the First Day Jitters. We talked about how it is okay to feel jittery, nervous, and/or excited the first day of school. We drank Jitter Juice and talked about the highlights of our day. We also read a book called The Crayon Box that Talked and decorated our own crayons. We connected that we are like crayons and each bring something unique to our classroom or the box. We developed a class promise that we will follow throughout the year. We had fun playing several get-to-know-you games as well. Here are some pictures of the kids on the first day of 2nd grade.

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